I moved a lot when I was a kid and I by a lot I mean
A LOT. By the time I had turned sixteen
I had lived in four different states and in over 23 different places in those
four states. I know that there are a lot of folks who have lived in more places
in less amounts of time, but most of them were members of the armed forces. My
family was not in the armed forces or oil field workers, we just moved all the
My birthplace is Houston, Texas, but I lived there
for only six months. My family then moved to Chicago, Illinois. While in
Chicago we lived in what is called the “south side.” You know the south side;
Jim Croce made it (in)famous in his song “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown.” There is
nothing unusual about that, lots and lots of people live in the south side of
Chicago. What made our living in the south side, or at least this particular
part of it was that we were white...in Chicago’s south side...in the mid
1960’s. I’ll let that sink in for just a
My memories of that time are generally good. My
first best friend was a boy named Jimmy; the first girl I liked as a girl was
named Susie. They were both black, in fact everyone in my kindergarten was
black and everyone in my grade school was black; students and teachers. The first church I ever attended was a black
church. Yet in all that I never felt threatened or ostracized. But I must
confess to you that I was not allowed to go to the playground at recess or to
eat lunch in the cafeteria. My mother would later tell me that it was because
of concerns for my safety around the older kids. I never felt slighted or in
danger, to be honest I never noticed the difference between myself and all those
other kids and teachers.
In the middle of second grade my family moved from
Chicago to Little Rock, Arkansas. My life was about to change in more ways than
one with this move. I vividly remember my first day of second grade at my new
school. The principal brought me to my new class and introduced me, telling
everyone that I was from Chicago. My teacher smiled down at me and asked my
name. I responded, telling her my name and my mother’s and sister’s names.
At this point it’s important that you remember that
I had been living in Chicago for the previous seven years. The words that came
out of my mouth were the words of a young black child from the south side of
Chicago, not a little boy born and raised in the south. To say that my
teacher’s face registered shock and confusion would be an understatement. I remember her looking up at the principal
with a look of complete confusion. Clearly there was a problem with my
communication skills.
So I was sent to speech therapy for the rest of the
school year. I guess it worked because I’ve had people from Illinois to
California to New York tell me that I don’t sound southern (whatever that
sounds like). It’s an amusing story to tell on the surface, but it’s below the
surface that it becomes a little disturbing and germane to our discussion.
There is a lot of noise made today about respecting
other peoples and cultures, noise that is usually made by people who are
intolerant of those who disagree with their point of view. Aretha Franklin sang
a song with these lyrics: “R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me...” The
song is about a woman who wants her man to quit stepping out on her and to
start respecting her as a person. That’s a noble desire. We all want to be
respected. The truth is a different story altogether.
I was told as a child that respect must be earned. I
have come to believe that statement is wrong, respect should be given to all
based on the value that God had placed upon them. Yet our nation is rapidly
becoming a land where respect is vanishing. Respect is our duty to each other,
to allow for the existence of differing opinions, differing likes and dislikes,
all while working towards the common goal of a better world. But that concept
is no longer true in America. Our homes, our streets, and social media are
incubators for disrespect and its first cousin, hate. We actively divide
ourselves along racial, political and economic lines and are seemingly intent
on the destruction of any and everyone who doesn’t fit our preconceived ideas.
What does this have to do with parenting? Where do
you think our kids learn respect and tolerance (now there’s a word that’s been
redefined in our time); the home. Parents, you are the persons primarily
responsible for seeing that your children learn how to respect those who are in
authority over them or who look differently than they do or who might have
differing opinions. We primarily teach that through our examples. When was the
last time you lost control of your emotions over a sporting event or a
political discussion? Your reaction is the foundation that your kids will build
on when they encounter those who are different.
We must demonstrate to our children how to live at
peace within the structures of the law by living within the confines of the
law. We must demonstrate to our children how to live respectfully with those we
disagree with by finding common ground in which we can create a better world
for us all. That begins by demonstrating our respect for others, regardless of
race or religion or nationality.
Let us begin by engaging in respectful conversations
in our homes and ball fields and in places like Wal-Mart. Treat those who serve
you respectfully, whether cashier or waitress. Speak respectfully of the police
and political leaders. Work at being a part of your community, respecting that
others can believe differently about the “how” but be in full agreement of the
It is an understatement to say that we live in
troubled times. Our nation is rapidly
becoming a war zone over personalities and politics. Sadly, most of this
warfare is being encouraged and enabled by so-called “leaders” who are doing
nothing more than trying to advance their own agendas. There is no room for
such a lofty idea as respect, and it shows. Yet if we don’t learn how to live
together in peaceful disagreement based on mutual respect our grandchildren
will be left to sweep up the ashes.
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